
6 1/2 POUNDS!

This just in....... In just 3 days I've dropped 6 1/2 pounds. I'm stoked! So giving me incentive to stick with it!!! I'll now return you to your regularly scheduled broadcast......


Anonymous said...

Good work! And sounds like a busy summer - you'll need a holiday to recover :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Keep it up! :o)


Jenn said...

Way to go - I'll join you as a weight loss buddy since I've decided that I want to fit into this awesome pair of jeans for my high school reunion next year LOL!
40lbs I want to lose. and I'm down 8, so 32 to go!.
We can do it, oh yes we can!!!

Lisa said...

GREAT JOB and Good luck! Sounds like a plan! I figure the more people I surround myself with trying to lose weight, the more inspiration I'll have!

the mystic said...

Congrats Lisa, good luck reaching your goal... I've been trying to lose since February and am now having some luck finally. Why can't we just snap our fingers and be done with it???


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