
MLA...this one is for you.

It's your favorite freakish family...the Duggars!

ETA: Do you think they google themselves? I mean, I just googled my name to see what would pop up (only AFEL coach did) and I'm a nobody. If they googled themselves, I bet a gazillion thigns would come up because any mom's board I've ever been on has had a discussion about them, blogs discuss them all the time, as well as just the major networks. Hmm. I wonder how they take it. I guess they've put themselves out there in the limelight though so they've gotta expect the celebrity type status. I don't really care how many kids a family has...but they are just scary to me. I had a family back home growing up that was a traditional Catholic family complete with 13 kids, but they acted like kids, ya know? Okay, enough rambling.


MLA said...

LOVE them.

Are you going to Matt's for the Oscars? Perhaps we will finally meet in person.

Lisa said...

LOL. I seriously thought of you instantly when I saw that.

Yep. As it stands now we're going and probably bringing baby E in tow. She's got some issues being away from momma or daddy as in she screams for 2 hours straight for the sitters.

So, we should see you there! Yay!

Kal El said...

I don't have any sort of emotional attachment to that family, but I thought the saying on the poster was pretty hilarious. Thank you for the laugh.

Kal El


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